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Shipping and Returns Policy

Shipping & Returns Policy

We do offer shipping on all our items but this does need to be calculated for each individual item as we can't predict the shipping cost until we build weigh and measure the product.


all shipping and packaging cost are covered by the buyer and a price will be sent to the customer prior to purchasing any packing supplies

or booking with a shipping company.


We have used a vip courier in the past for our products they 

are usually shipped and delivered on the same day depending on the time of booking.

Purchase & Returns Policy

when purchasing we automatically deduct 50% of the total cost of the purchase this covers cost or part cost of materials the 50% taken from the total cost is none refundable if the customer cancelled the order.


Changing designs once the design has been agreed by the customer

and work has started on the product any changes to the design would incur a cost to replace materials used or additions to the design.


We don't offer a returns policy on bespoke items as they are unique to the customer and we have in the past struggled to sell them when returned.

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